I’ve now added my two BA (Hons) dissertations – Ways of Being: The Spectator and the Spectacle and EYES – to the Multimedia Studies and Creative Technologies concentration of my MTA Portfolio.

I’ve included my two dissertations because they are both key progenitors of the explorations of my concentration in Multimedia Studies and Creative Technologies; as well as the projects included in my Creative Technologies Sandbox.
They are not presented as outcomes of the concentration, as they both preceded its conception; rather, they are just presented as being the progenitors of its inception.
I’ve always said that Multimedia Studies and Creative Technologies is the one concentration of my MTA Portfolio that most directly picks up where my BA (Hons) in Creative Writing and Film and Screen Studies left off.
I decided to include Ways of Being and EYES as content on ibuiltmyown.education because both endeavours greatly clarify what I’m working towards achieving with my self-declared transdisciplinary master’s degree portfolio.