Building My Own Education a.k.a. my Education Innovation final project is now complete!

This final project not only defines the philosophy behind my self-education approach, but it also details all the thought and sweat that went into the building of its foundation a.k.a. this website.

This website’s blog, that this final project ignited, will continue to grow and be intertwined with all the other final projects long after I have signed off here.

Another key off-shoot of this final project is my plans to create an education platform that others can use to take charge of their own educations.

I have plans to develop this project as either a component of the Being a Creative Producer final project or as my thesis or as a part of my thesis.

I’ve also added a cover image to the project which I’m still not sure about and may yet replace

This project’s focus is integral to overall mission of my MTA Portfolio and

Admittedly, this final project should have been the first one I completed, but Not Your Average Life Coach beat it to the mark.

This project has taken such a long time to pull together and I should really have completed it a lot sooner than this!

But, hey-ho, it’s done now. 

And its completion is going to make the other MTA final projects so much easier to complete because it lays the groundwork for all the final projects to follow.