Our habits do more to form our bodies as well as our minds than the conscious efforts at improvement.

Edwin Checkley, A Natural Method of Physical Training: Making Muscle and Reducing Flesh Without Dieting or Apparatus, 1895:125


Module 1 – Global Health Systems – 11 Courses

Module 2 – COVID-19 – 5 Courses

Module 3 – Strengthening Healthcare – 10 Courses

Module 4 – Survival Intelligence – 5 Courses

Module 5 – Psychology – 10 Courses

Module 6 – Biology, Biomechanics and Biohacking – 11 Courses

Module 7 – Nutrition – 16 Courses

Module 8 – Personal Training – 14 Courses

Module 9 – Holistic Health – 12 Courses

Diplomas18 Certificates 

Blog Posts

Final Project – Biohacking My Personal Fitness

I built this concentration to get my health, fitness, nutrition and wellbeing into the best shape possible; as well as to understand the larger concerns and shared challenges of global health systems…

Despite a multi-billion pound health and fitness industry and all the wonders of modern health care, modern day humans must rank as the weakest, flabbiest, most disease-prone and stressed-out animal ever to walk the earth.

Oliver Selway & Charlie Packer, Instinctive Fitness, 2013:5