How my personal fitness evolves after completing this project is where my journaling comes into play…

Biohacking My Personal Fitness, as it exists on this website, is a snapshot.

It is a snapshot of where my personal fitness and personal fitness regime, as informed by many years of studying and practice, was at the time of bringing the elements of this project together.

This ‘snapshot’ was designed to act as the final project for my Public Health, Nutrition and Exercise Science concentration.

The data and reflections I collect as part of my journaling will enable me to further refine my practice moving forwards.



My personal website – – and its blog are hosting my fitness journal.

Due to it being easier, and because it embodies my transdisciplinary nature, I have lumped my personal fitness journal in with the wider creative concerns of my blog on my personal website. Not that personal fitness and the process of creating this final project are themselves not highly creative acts!

I was always keen to include a journal component in this project simply because it is a means to hold myself accountable to my fitness goals, it offers an outlet to reflect on my progress with the goal of further improving upon my practice and it allows me a way to share this knowledge with anyone who might benefit from it.



Tracking your personal biometric data forms a huge part of being a compressive biohacker, as your data can give you valuable insights into how to greatly enhance your personal health, fitness and psychological wellbeing.

Already, as I have highlighted throughout My Three-Piece Plan, I employ a number of self-tracking practices in my personal fitness regime…

  • All my physical activity is monitored by my smartwatch and smartphone
  • The majority of my data is collected in Google Fit
  • My calorie counting and other nutritional information is entered into my LifeSum app daily
  • My fasting and feeding windows are tracked in my Zero app
  • I make regular updates of my body composition metrics and store this information in my Google Fit, Lifesum and Zero apps
  • I also have a Microsoft OneNote notebook that I keep updated with my metrics, new ideas and observations I have made about my physical and psychological performance.

Compared to the larger Quantified Self movement that is a community of self-trackers who put their biometric data to much more useful ends, I’m not that creative… yet.



I have started to get into the habit of using Microsoft OneNote to plan out and keep track of my fitness regime.

As it uses my Microsoft OneDrive account to sync across all my devices, it is very easy for me to review/update/add to my data whether I am at home on my PC or at the gym with my phone.

I have to say I prefer OneNote to the other online notebook services out there, because I like how you can organise multiple tabs with their own respective pages in one single notebook.

My goal is to switch fully over to using OneNote to collect my fitness notes together, because the problem with writing it down into an actual notebook is… I forget about the notebook, can’t find it or never bother to keep it with me.