12 Courses

Public Speaking Foundations

Platform: LinkedIn

Institution: LinkedIn Learning

Started: 20/04/2018

Finished: 20/04/2018

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Communication Foundations

Platform: LinkedIn

Institution: LinkedIn Learning

Started: 01/12/2017

Finished: 22/03/2018

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Improving Communication Skills

Platform: Coursera

Institution: University of Pennsylvania

Started: 11/09/2017

Finished: 21/09/2017

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Effective Listening

Platform: LinkedIn

Institution: LinkedIn Learning

Started: 07/11/2017

Finished: 07/11/2017

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Learning to Be Assertive

Platform: LinkedIn

Institution: LinkedIn Learning

Started: 04/11/2017

Finished: 04/11/2017

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Influencing Others

Platform: LinkedIn

Institution: LinkedIn Learning

Started: 07/11/2017

Finished: 08/11/2017

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Body Language for Leaders

Platform: LinkedIn

Institution: LinkedIn Learning

Started: 01/06/2020

Finished: 01/06/2020

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Communicating with Confidence

Platform: LinkedIn

Institution: LinkedIn Learning

Started: 01/06/2020

Finished: 01/06/2020

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Introduction to Public Speaking

Platform: Coursera

Institution: University of Washington

Started: 13/09/2017

Finished: 06/02/2018

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Speaking to inform: Discussing complex ideas with clear explanations and dynamic slides

Platform: Coursera

Institution: University of Washington

Started: 06/02/2018

Finished: 19/04/2018

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Speaking to persuade: Motivating audiences with solid arguments and moving language

Platform: Coursera

Institution: University of Washington

Started: 30/03/2018

Finished: 12/04/2018

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Speaking to Inspire: Ceremonial and Motivational Speeches

Platform: Coursera

Institution: University of Washington

Started: 19/04/2018

Finished: 25/04/2018

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6 Books

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Author: Dale Carnegie

Publisher: Vermilion (first published October 1936)

Published: 2006

Started: 15/05/2014

Finished: 04/06/2014

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How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age

Author: Dale Carnegie

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio

Published: 2011

Started: 10/10/2019

Finished: 12/10/2019

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How to Talk to Anyone

Author: Leil Lowndes

Publisher: HarperCollins

Published: 2007

Started: 08/09/2016

Finished: 08/04/2018

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Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know

Author: Malcolm Gladwell

Publisher: Penguin Audio

Published: 2019

Started: 06/10/2019

Finished: 07/10/2019

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Networking Awesomely

Author: Colin Wright

Publisher: Self-published ebook

Published: 2010

Started: 17/02/2018

Finished: 20/02/2018

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Gravitas: Communicate with Confidence, Influence and Authority

Author: Caroline Goyder

Publisher: Audible Studios

Published: 2018

Started: 12/11/2020

Finished: 16/01/2020

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The art of public speaking comes into play not only in the delivery of speeches and public talks, but also in professional presentations, training events, and motivational speaking. Consultants, training, managers, clergy, sales representatives, and teachers, for example, all have a reason at times to speak in front of others.
Effective public speakers are in an excellent position to get their messages across in the workplace. A lackluster speaker can make a solid product or proposal seem less than enticing, while a polished speaker can add allure to an otherwise mediocre proposition.

Alison Doyle, Important Public Speaking Skills for Workplace Success, thebalancecareers.com

Effective public speaking is not just about confidently performing on stage or orating a speech that resonates with your audience. It’s also about one-on-one interpersonal communication that strengthens bonds, establishes new connections and allows you to express your point-of-view.

A crucial part of effective communication is not even to do with speaking, it’s to do with being silent. 

If you rearrange the letters in the word ‘silent,’ you end up with ‘listen.’

Any leader or manager who can not master public speaking will end up being a poor and ineffective leader or manager and they will struggle to gain the respect of the collective they are leading or managing.

Even on an interpersonal level you will struggle to gain the attentive respect of whoever you are talking to if you can not communicate with them effectively.

Like every other person alive or dead, I always struggled with public speaking.

My biggest hurdle wasn’t even the stage fright, it was the fact that my mind is blabbering about multiple things all at once, so I never really knew what to say and, even when I did, I never felt I was making much sense. It wasn’t until I went to university that I found my voice and started to master my own public speaking style. 

When I started building my MTA Portfolio, I knew I wanted to diversify my public speaking skills so that I would be able to adapt my style to fit different contexts and interactions.

This meant gaining as much information about the person or collective you are speaking to either before the fact or during the interaction. Having a feel for the makeup of your audience and reading peoples’ body language are key indicators for the tone and direction of your public speaking approach.

Undoubtedly, the most effective lesson I have learned from this module is to speak less and to listen more.