I previously highlighted how I had added my BA (Hons) dissertations to my MTA Portfolio and my reasoning for including them is because they serve as key progenitors for the creation of my MTA Portfolio.
In particular, they were key precursors of the Multimedia Studies and Creative Technologies concentration which is why I included my BA (Hons) dissertations on the concentration page.

However, when I decided that the name and focus for the final project for Creative Producing and Entrepreneurship concentration was Being a Creative Producer, it became apparent to me that my practical dissertation, EYES, was not just tied to the Multimedia Studies and Creative Technologies concentration.
EYES was also a key progenitor for the concentration and final project of Creative Producing and Entrepreneurship.
It also occurred to me that another final year project of my BA (Hons), the Fencing documentary, which I co-created with one of my fellow graduates, was also key progenitor for Creative Producing and Entrepreneurship and Being a Creative Producer.
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the entirety of my First Class BA (Hons) degree in Creative Writing with Film and Screen Studies was yet another key progenitor for my MTA Portfolio as a whole.
Therefore, as I had already done with my BA (Hons) dissertations, I created a progenitor overview page for the Fencing documentary and another one for my BA (Hons) degree.
Together with my two BA (Hons) dissertations, I have now collected all four progenitors on their own MTA Progenitors page.
Additionally, as I did with my two BA (Hons) dissertations on the Multimedia Studies and Creative Technologies page, I have also added EYES and Fencing as progenitors on the Creative Producing and Entrepreneurship concentration page.

A great deal of work went into my two BA (Hons) dissertations, the Fencing documentary and my BA (Hons) degree as a whole.
That full breadth of work was instrumental in laying the foundations on which my MTA Portfolio is built.
Ultimately, the progenitor pages exist within my MTA Portfolio to highlight all that prior experience and to better contextualise how my prior concentrations and projects informed my postgraduate concentrations and projects moving forwards.