Dabbling with Creative Technologies is one of the final projects I am currently working on and Component 1 – Web Design with WordPress of that project is concerned with my utilization of the WordPress software to create my websites. 

Crucially, these websites are ibuiltmyown.education, notyouraveragelife.coach and petebecreative.com. 

As I’ve already heavily detailed the creation of ibuiltmyown.education and notyouraveragelife.coach within their respective final project compendiums (I have yet to do the same for petebecreative.com), I do not need to perform much of a write up for Dabbling with Creative Technologies.

Instead, I’m just going to post glorified and contextualised links to the pages already written about the creations of ibuiltmyown.education and notyouraveragelife.coach.

However, when I did the heavily detailed write up for the creation of ibuiltmyown.education for the Building My Own Education final project, I was very much aware that the webpage was way too long for anyone ever realistically to read through it or indeed wait long enough for the web browser to finish loading the page! 

This is why I made the decision to take that one massive page and split it into five smaller pages.

There is a main component overview page and four sub-component pages…

Overall, I did this to achieve greater user engagement with the content.

The creation page for notyouraveragelife.coach, on the other hand, which resides within the Leading as a Life Coach final project, was written and completed long before I got around to doing the ibuiltmyown.education one. 

Crucially, the notyouraveragelife.coach creation page was much shorter than the original one for ibuiltmyown.education and it also didn’t have the same loading lag time problem.

Not long after completing the splitting of the ibuiltmyown.education page into five pages, I did consider doing the same for the notyouraveragelife.coach page.

Ultimately, laziness and a feeling that the single page worked fine as it was made me decide to leave it.

However, now that I am putting together the Web Design with WordPress component page, I’ve now decided to split the notyouraveragelife.coach creation page into six smaller pages. 

I’ve been doing this work as part of the rejigging of my overall Leading as a Life Coach final project and I’ve now split the single page into six smaller pages. 

There is now one component overview page and five sub-component pages…

The splitting up of the original page was very simple.

I just turned each of the pages sub sections into their own separate web pages. 

I’m glad that I have gone back into the project and split the website creation page into smaller pages. 

The six notyouraveragelife.coach pages together with the five ibuiltmyown.education pages all present an easy to digest portfolio of my web design skills with different pages focused on different aspects of my versatile skillset. 

And that portfolio of my web design skills will now all be easily accessible via the aptly named Web Design with WordPress component page.