In 2012 I undertook a 366 project which was a creative endeavour where I captured a photo a day for each day of the year.
Therefore, at the end of the year I had 366 photographs (366 because it was a leap year).
I named that project 366 FRAMES 2012 and even chronicled it on its own blog.

At the conclusion of the project, I had planned to create a meaningful summative video montage of all the photographs I had taken.
However, as the project ended halfway through the final year of my BA (Hons), when I had absolutely zero time outside of my studies, the summative video montage was put on the shelf.
Flashforward to towards the end of 2014, I was preparing to undertake a 365 project throughout 2015 (2015 was not a leap year) where I would capture a video each day for the entire year.
This project I called 365 FRAMES 2015 and it is one of the components in my Creative Technologies Sandbox.

Anyhow, as part of the preparation for 365 FRAMES 2015, I decided that I would finally put together the video montage I had planned to do for 366 FRAMES 2012.
As it was video based endeavour, it made perfect sense as warm up for 365 FRAMES 2015.
It also meant that I could finally sign off on my 366 FRAMES 2012 project.
Ultimately, I ended up producing two summative video montages.
One that explored the photographs and philosophy of my 366 project.
And one that presented all 6,505 unused photographs from the project.
Yeah, I took a lot of photos.
But because huge swathes of the photos taken of the same thing but at slightly different times meant that I was able to create some stop motion animation in the video.
I also recorded a series of vlogs reflecting on my progress with the 366 FRAMES 2012 project and this gave me additional material to use within the montage videos.