
I’ve always dabbled with creative technologies, I can’t help myself.

Being creative and having multiple means through which to express that creativity is a hugely rewarding experience.

When I first started building my MTA Portfolio, I always knew it would have a strong creative technologies element.

The fact that I always envisioned my MTA Portfolio as being its own self-contained website meant that web development technologies were always going to be a key underpinning of my self-directed master’s degree.

Beyond web development, I always hoped that further practical utilisations of creative technologies would result and multiple explorations have grown from my MTA Portfolio.

My creativity has positively flourished as a result being exercised so much!

However, having so many different creative technologies explorations made it very difficult to have one singularly focused final project for my Multimedia Studies and Creative Technologies concentration.

Instead, I just decided to embrace the chaos of it all and have now compiled a final project that is more of a scrapbook of various creative technologies scribblings I have done throughout the time I have been working on my MTA Portfolio.

Instead of suppressing creativity, technology has the ability to enhance specific areas of the creative process, by presenting a new platform for creativity to exist on (and come from). Through the advancement of technology, ideas (which may have once existed within our minds) can now be set free and come to life in the physical world. We now have the necessary tools for greater possibilities and more innovative solutions.

Maggie Mackenzie, Creativity In A World Of Technology: Does It Exist?, smashingmagazine.com



This project must…

  • Be a practical expression of what I learned in my Multimedia Studies and Creative Technologies concentration.
  • Improve my overall web design and coding skills to an advanced level.
  • Explore my further theorizations of the use of creative technologies and how they have an impact on practitioners and users.
  • Showcase my various experimentations with different creative technologies whilst I have been undertaking my MTA.



2014 – Started studying programming and coding in HTML. Started researching and writing Ways 2 Interface. Started developing Breaking Cinema. Conceived of making my self-directed master’s degree an interactive website.

2015 – Orchestrated 365 FRAMES 2015 and created my 12 cameo microfilms. Started designing ibuiltmyown.education

2016 – Abandoned Breaking Cinema so I could focus all my energy on my broader MTA postgraduate studies.

2017 – Studied coding in more depth beyond web development.

2019 – Studied coding in relation to Data Science. Started building ibuiltmyown.education with the focus being on creating the MTA Overview page. Built notyouraveragelife.coach.

2020 – Applied my web development and design skills to build three websites.

2021 – Started my applied coding projects on Codecademy. Discontinued notyouraveragelife.coach.

2023 – Progressed ibuiltmyown.education into a publicly presentable form.

2024 – Brought the components of this final project together.

Blog Posts


Coming soon.