Module 9
8 Courses
Environmental Entrepreneurs: Strategies for Green Business Platform: FutureLearn Institution: Adam Smith Center Started: 18/04/2023 Finished: 18/04/2023 Green Innovation and Business Ethics: The Future of Entrepreneurship Platform: FutureLearn Institution: Coventry University Started: 16/04/2023 Finished: 16/04/2023 Green Business Strategy Platform: Coursera Institution: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Started: 20/02/2019 Finished: Sustainability Strategies Platform: LinkedIn Institution: LinkedIn Learning Started: 25/05/2020 Finished: 25/05/2020 First Steps in Making the Business Case for Sustainability Platform: Coursera Institution: University of Colorado Started: 04/10/2017 Finished: 15/03/2018 More on Change and Sustainability Platform: Coursera Institution: University of Colorado Started: 12/10/2017 Finished: 14/10/2017 Sustainable Business: Big Issues, Big Changes Platform: Coursera Institution: University of Colorado Started: 27/01/2018 Finished: 22/03/2018 Renewable Energy and Green Building Entrepreneurship Platform: Coursera Institution: Duke University Started: 01/09/2017 Finished:
“Your closet. Your desk. Your drawers. Your bins. Take a closer look at your spaces. Can you name exactly what and how much is inside them? Take a tip from Marie Kondo, and take it all out. Keep what brings you joy and let go of what doesn’t. Recycle your unwanted items and make sure you know where they will go and what they will be transformed into.
Look at what you had accumulated and hidden. It’s clearly unsustainable – not only clothes, but also an abundance of plastic, cardboard, paper in every room. It is that moment of realization of having too much, that triggers an “enough” reaction: not one more plastic bag can enter the household. You will be busy for a long time putting all that plastic to good use, or disposing of it appropriately.
8.3 billion tonnes of plastic have been produced in the last 70 years, and half of it in the last 13 years. But with a few small and tangible steps, such as facing your daunting levels consumption and dedicating time to organizing your home and office, you can make a difference. You just need commitment and creativity to better your lifestyle and legacy.“
Bibi la Luz Gonzalez, Why responsible consumption is everyone’s business, World Economic Forum,, 17/09/2019
Sustainability is the ability to maintain something at a certain level without needlessly employing additional resources. Sustainability is one of the most crucial global mentality shifts at the heart of solving the climate crisis. Sustainability is also the responsibility of everyone alive on the planet.
This module takes its lead from the MOOC it is named after by taking a deep dive look into all the sustainability practices that can be implemented at a global, national, corporation and individual level.
I didn’t just study this module so I could be more informed about the complexities of sustainability, I also studied it so that I could make my own lifestyle much more sustainable and beneficial for the planet.