11 Courses

Innovation and Enterprise

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: Loughborough University

Started: 10/06/2014

Finished: 18/08/2014

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Innovation: The Key to Success

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: University of Leeds

Started: 18/09/2014

Finished: 29/09/2014

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Innovation Management: Winning in the Age of Disruption

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: University of Leeds



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Creativity and Innovation: Their Role in Becoming an Entrepreneur

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: Conventry University



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Starting a Business: Realise Your Vision

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: University of Leeds

Started: 19/08/2014

Finished: 23/08/2014

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Culturepreneurship: How to Start a Creative Business

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: Kingston University

Started: 23/01/2023

Finished: 29/01/2023

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Essentials of Entrepreneurship: Thinking & Action

Platform: Coursera

Institution: University of California, Irvine

Started: 05/08/2015

Finished: 30/08/2015

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Entrepreneurial Strategic Management

Platform: Coursera

Institution: University of New Mexico

Started: 10/02/2016

Finished: 20/02/2016

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Developing Innnovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship

Platform: Coursera

Institution: University of Maryland, College Park

Started: 01/12/2014

Finished: 29/03/2015

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Innovation for Entrepreneurs: From Idea to Marketplace

Platform: Coursera

Institution: University of Maryland, College Park

Started: 05/01/2015

Finished: 05/07/2015

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New Venture Finance: Startup Funding for Entrepreneurs

Platform: Coursera

Institution: Macquarie University

Started: 09/02/2015

Finished: 01/09/2020

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5 Books

The Art of the Start 2.0: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything

Author: Guy Kawasaki

Publisher: Portfolio Penguin

Published: 2015 (first published 2004)

Started: 26/05/2015

Finished: 22/03/2017

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The Opportunity Analysis Canvas

Author:  James V. Green

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2015

Started: 07/12/2014

Finished: 26/06/2015

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Starting and Running a Business All-In-One for Dummies

Author:  Colin Barrow

Publisher: For Dummies

Published: 2011

Started: 01/07/2019


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Starting and Running an Online Business for Dummies

Author: Kim Gilmour & Dan Matthews

Publisher:  John Wiley & Sons

Published: 2011 (first published March 30th 2007)

Started: 01/07/2019


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The Suitcase Entrepreneur: Create Freedom in Business and Adventure in Life

Author: Natalie Sisson

Publisher: Tonawhai Press

Published: 2013

Started: 14/10/2014

Finished: 28/05/2015

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Ideas in isolation are worthless; if they have no impact, then they have no impact, then they didn’t matter. Creation, innovation and entrepreneurship are not just about putting stuff out into the world – art and business alike are about doing things that make a difference.

Bernadette Jiwa, Marketing: A Love Story, 2014:7

Innovation is a process that creates, develops and implements new products, processes, or services. Entrepreneurship is a process that acts on opportunities that can turn, innovations, inventions or technologies into successful products, services and solutions. 

At one time, I did consider studying innovation and entrepreneurship as my only postgraduate pursuit. My feeling is that being able to create profitable opportunities out of new innovations is the only job security you can give yourself in the 21st-century. 

Innovation and entrepreneurship are concerned with solving problems. While innovation and entrepreneurship ultimately did not end up being the only focuses of my postgraduate studies, they still form strong central focuses in my MTA Portfolio.

The process of building my MTA Portfolio, this website and my other final projects has been one lengthy process of innovation and entrepreneurship. This has been the point, I wanted to get into the habit of utilising innovation and entrepreneurship so that I would continue using them in my life and career beyond my MTA Portfolio. 

The ability to produce solutions to your own problems is an invaluable and indomitable life skill to possess.