17 Courses

Philosophy of Technology and Design: Shaping the Relations Between Humans and Technologies

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: University of Twente

Started: 06/09/2017

Finished: 20/09/2017

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Introduction to Communication Science

Platform: Coursera

Institution: University of Amsterdam

Started: 13/10/2015

Finished: 19/08/2016

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The Modern and the Postmodern (Part 1)

Platform: Coursera

Institution: Wesleyan University

Started: 25/12/2015

Finished: 22/07/2016

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The Modern and the Postmodern (Part 2)

Platform: Coursera

Institution: Wesleyan University

Started: 23/07/2016

Finished: 09/09/2016

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Understanding Media by Understanding Google

Platform: Coursera

Institution: Northwestern University

Started: 04/06/2014

Finished: 07/07/2014

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Understanding Video Games

Platform: Coursera

Institution: University of Alberta

Started: 01/09/2015

Finished: 22/06/2016

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Pictures of Youth: An Introduction to Children’s Visual Culture

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: University of York

Started: 06/08/2018

Finished: 09/08/2018

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Lights, Camera, Computer - Action! How Digital Technology is Transforming Film, TV, and Gaming

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: University of York

Started: 18/02/2023

Finished: 18/02/2023

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The History of the Book in the Early Modern Period: 1450 to 1800

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: Trinity College Dublin

Started: 31/01/2023

Finished: 14/02/2023

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How to read a mind: An Introduction to Understanding Literary Characters

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: University of Nottingham

Started: 21/04/2014

Finished: 02/06/2014

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Internet Giants: The Law and Economics of Media Platforms

Platform: Coursera

Institution: The University of Chicago

Started: 13/10/2015

Finished: 01/09/2020

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Smartphone Emerging Technologies

Platform: Coursera

Institution: Yonsei University

Started: 24/07/2015

Finished: 28/07/2015

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Big Data, Cloud Computing & CND Emerging Technologies

Platform: Coursera

Institution: Yonsei University

Started: 03/08/2015

Finished: 05/08/2015

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Internet Emerging Technologies

Platform: Coursera

Institution: Yonsei University

Started: 08/08/2015

Finished: 11/09/2015

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Internet of Things & Augmented Reality Emerging Technologies

Platform: Coursera

Institution: Yonsei University

Started: 01/09/2015

Finished: 11/09/2015

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Wireless Communication Emerging Technologies

Platform: Coursera

Institution: Yonsei University

Started: 11/09/2015

Finished: 14/09/2015

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Building a Future with Robots

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: University of Sheffield

Started: 31/08/2018

Finished: 01/09/2018

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7 Books

Media Studies 2.0, and Other Battles around the Future of Media Research

Author: David Gauntlett

Publisher: Self-published

Published: 2011

Started: 15/07/2015

Finished: 02/08/2015

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Media Studies 2.0

Author: William Merrin

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2014

Started: 23/06/2016

Finished: 21/06/2016

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Technologies of Seeing: Photography, Cinematography and Television

Author: Brian Winston

Publisher: British Film Institute

Published: 1997 (first published November 1996)

Started: 29/11/2014

Finished: 19/05/2015

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Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man

Author: Marshall McLuhan

Publisher: Signet

Published: 1966 (first published 1964)

Started: 25/01/2016

Finished: 23/05/2016

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The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects

Author:  Marshall McLuhan & Quentin Fiore

Publisher: Penguin

Published: 2008 (first published 1967)

Started: 28/05/2016

Finished: 06/06/2016

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Hybrid Reality: Thriving in the Emerging Human-Technology Civilization

Author: Parag Khanna & Ayesha Khanna

Publisher: TED Conferences

Published: 2012

Started: 09/06/2019

Finished: 13/07/2019

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Everything I Know I Learned From TV: Philosophy For the Unrepentant Couch Potato

Author: Mark Rowlands

Publisher: Ebury Press

Published: 2005

Started: 15/12/2013

Finished: 14/06/2013

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‘Media Studies 2.0’ also emphasizes a sociological focus on the media as it is in the world, and as people experience it – and therefore is (happily, but less crucially) associated with a welcome end to the armchair ramblings of ‘textual analysis,’ which represent the antithesis of informed sociological commentary and critique, and a recognition that the boundaries which ‘film studies’ and ‘television studies’ seek to place around themselves are meaningless artefacts of last century’s media landscape.

David Gauntlett, Media Studies 2.0: And Other Battles Around the Future of Media Research, 2011

The academic field of media studies has become very set in its ways and difficult to reconcile with the introductions of new technologies. Media Studies 2.0 looks to bring the discipline boldly into the 21st-century by utilising a much more constructive, experimental and open-source approach to studying the field.

When I was studying my BA (Hons) in Film and Screen Studies, I became increasingly interested in the larger media studies field. Then when I wrote my dissertation, Ways of Being: The Spectator and the Spectacle, I started to develop a real interest in how emerging technologies could influence the media landscape and radically transform the way we live our lives.

This module picks up where my undergraduate media studies left off and also contains the very first MOOC I studied as part of my MTA Portfolio, The Future of Storytelling, which itself had a huge influence on my progressive approach towards studying media technologies.

Obviously, the two books on Media Studies 2.0, one by David Gauntlett and the other by William Merrin, were two key blueprints of this module; as was the MOOC Philosophy of Technology and Design: Shaping the Relations Between Humans and Technologies. Finally, Marshall McLuhan, the media studies titan and global thinker whose ideas are still being unraveled today served as a refreshing rethinking of the discipline and how we interface with media in our day-to-day lives.

The relationship between humans and technology has always fascinated me and it is something I will always consider to be open-ended, so this module is far from being the final word on the subject.