10 Courses

Understanding and Strengthening Health Systems

Platform: Coursera

Institution: John Hopkins University

Started: 11/03/2019

Finished: 11/04/2019

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Future-proofing the Health Workforce

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: Griffith University

Started: 09/06/2020

Finished: 25/07/2020

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How Computers Work: Demystifying Computation

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: Raspberry Pi Foundation

Started: 28/04/2023

Finished: 30/04/2023

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Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: Tapei Medical University

Started: 05/06/2020

Finished: 05/06/2020

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eHealth: Combining Psychology, Technology and Health

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: University of Twente

Started: 26/10/2017

Finished: 30/04/2023

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Medicine and the Arts: Humanising Healthcare

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: University of Cape Town

Started: 28/08/2017

Finished: 08/09/2017

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Healthy Futures: How Can We Create the Most Effective Healthcare System?

Platform: FutureLearn

Institution: Murdoch University

Started: 01/06/2018

Finished: 08/06/2018

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A Guide to Healthcare Innovation: Principles and Practice

Platform: Coursera

Institution: Imperial College London

Started: 03/06/2020

Finished: 03/06/2020

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Healthcare Entrepreneurship: Taking Ideas to Market

Platform: Coursera

Institution: Imperial College London

Started: 06/06/2020

Finished: 07/06/2020

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Healthcare Innovation: What Does Success Look Like and How to Achieve It?

Platform: Coursera

Institution: Imperial College London

Started: 07/06/2020

Finished: 08/06/2020

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Pressure on hospitals will only be relieved if they are working as part of well-functioning local systems of care. Silos must be broken down, and health and social care joined up around the populations served. This means integrating care to enable patients to be admitted to hospital quickly and discharged appropriately. It also means investing in prevention to tackle people’s needs before they become crises.

Haroon Siddique, How to save the NHS: experts offer their big ideas, theguardian.com

COVID-19 illustrates why it is so vitally important to have strong and durable healthcare systems, but, even without a pandemic, access to safe and effective healthcare is a basic human right that absolutely needs to be honoured on a global scale.

Most of the contents of this module were originally contained with the previous module, Global Health and Systems Thinking, but after COVID-19 came along and I came back to my public health studies, I realised that strengthening healthcare systems was a separate and very prevalent focus.

I created this module, and added a few additional courses, as a means of understanding why healthcare systems around the world (and especially in the UK where I was located) were struggling to deal with COVID-19 pandemic and what was required to future-proof them.